
The collection Making a Poem is a well-balanced game of poetry played by Vihang, an experienced player of words. This is there to be enjoyed by the regular poetry readers as well as occasional ones. It will suit the readership of all...
Vihang Naik’s latest poetry collection, Making a Poem, is a quick meal for the poetry lovers because it does not take more than an hour (for the slowest reader in the line) to read. There are 25 short poems in the collection and all of them are dedicated to poetry, perspectives of poetry and the creator of poetry, a poet. For the readers who are habitual of reading poems, the collection will certainly prove to be an amazing experience. It moves with a uniform pace and nowhere rises and falls abruptly, like most other collections by the newer poets. An old-school poet in English, Vihang Naik hails from Gujarat and he started writing poetry long ago, almost three decades back.
Making a Poem is about sentiments, about love, about feeling, about poem and about poetry… it does offer a lot to the readers but also demands a lot from them in return. To understand the poems by Vihang in this collection, a reader will have to be open to various inputs at the same time. One meaning is clear and evident, which most of the readers will see – the surface value. However, there might be several inner meanings and layers in the poems which will demand a quick understanding of facts and ideas. Moreover, meanings will also change for the readers according to their interpretations.
“… Blunt
uncertainties scribble the city. You hear
the rattle of pain
through your pen in turmoil.”
Now, these lines are open for interpretations of various kinds! A reader can always adjust with the face value of the lines which are measuring a poet’s consciousness. However, ‘deep readers of poetry’ will always love exploring the unexplored.
In general, all the poems by Vihang in Making a Poem, divided into 5 parts with 5 poems each, are very amazing without any reservation of thoughts. A Reader will enjoy them all. Not only the readers, but poetry critics in India have also admired the collection by Vihang and appreciated his imagery and visual appeal in the poems. You can also enjoy the poems by him by getting a copy of Making a Poem for yourself. Do follow the link below to Amazon India and get a copy now:
Get Vihang’s book – Click here now – Amazon India
review by Surabhi for Book Reviews Lab